Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Runescape pvp guide melee/range

          When pvping with other people, many people use different ways to ko you. People will switch weapons, or have one weapon to focus on, and attack extremely hard. I will teach you one of the ways that you can use to ko someone in the wilderness.
          One way to kill someone in Runescape is using the range and melee. First of all you should have your range level a little bit higher than your strength and attack. For example: if you already have 40 attack, so that you can wield rune, and your strength is 48, then I suggest that your range would be around 55. When using range, I highly suggest that you use mithril, so that you would attack them with above average damage, but not enough to make them eat all the time. Also, using mithril arrows, will make people feel safe, because you won’t be hitting that hard on them. Make sure that when you eat your food to regain health, that you drink a strength potion at the same time, so that it won’t look like you’ve taken your strength potion. Afterwards, when they feel safe, because they know how much max damage you can do, you must wait until u have an estimate of how much health they have. After estimating, you switch from Rune 2h, or Rune scim, or any other melee weapon, and make sure you switch right after you shoot them with your arrow, and right before they are about to attack you. This method will make you attack them much quicker than you would, when you normally use range.
          When using this technique, I would suggest you to use a rune 2hand sword, because it will be your ko’er. This is a very useful way for you to fight during pvp. Have fun with this guide, and I hope that it helped a lot. Have fun Pvping!

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