Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Runescape Merchanting guide

          In runescape, there are tons of people who merchant. The shorter term for this is “marching”. People merch to earn money. I suggest that you should only merch, if you have at least 5 million gp. The more money you have, the more easier it is to earn money, but, it can be easier for you to lose money too. Merchanting, can take some skill, and can be quite a risk if you don’t know what you’re doing. I will help you, with Merchanting. First of all, you should have a couple million gp. Afterwards, go to the Grand Exchange, and try to find an item that you think will rise in price. For example, if you go to the Grand Exchange, and you see that Yew logs have been rising in price in the past couple days, you would buy 1000 yew logs, which would be around 4,500,000 million gp. Afterwards, you should wait a few more days, and when the price rises, for example: the price of a yew log goes from 450 gp to 490gp. Then you can sell your Yew logs and get a 400,000 gp profit.
          There are many things you can merchant with, whether its an item, a weapon , e.t.c.  Merchanting is one of the most popular things that are used in Runescape. So, earn some cash, and try your best to Merch. Also, one tip that can help you is, the home page of Runescape.com, which has a list of all the items that either rise up in price or lower. Have fun Merchanting!

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