Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Runescape mining powerlevel and money making


          In runescape, there are many ways for you to make money. Mining can be an easy way to make money. To power level your mining, there are a few steps you can do, to be successful. If you are a nonmember, then you should mine iron ores till you reach level 99. You should mine anywhere that has at least 3 iron ores, to get the fastest experience, and to waste little time.
          If you are a member, then there are many more ways to get your mining level increased. Firstly, there is the iron ores that you can mine. Start mining iron as soon as possible, which is level 15. As soon as you get to level 45 mining, start mining granite. It is the fastest rock to get you the best experience. It is located south of alkarid. Continue mining granite till you get to level 99. When going to the desert to mine granite, make sure you bring some water pouches, or a water tiara( if specific quest is done) to protect yourself from harm.
          An easy way for you to make money mining is simple. You can start making money when you can mine runite, or other ores. If you are a nonmember, with low mining, I’d suggest that you should mine iron ores to get fast profit. If you are patient, then I suggest that you should wait to at least mine mithril, adamant or runite ores. Runite gives you over 10k gp per ore. It is useful, and if you are a nonmember, you should mine runite at the wildernest, which has 2 runite ores, during the dragon slayer quest, there should be 2 runite rocks. If you are a member, then it is much easier, due to how much more runite rocks there are. The most quickest place to mine your runite ores would be at Heroes guild mine. That should be the easiest place.       
          These are some of the places you can mine to get either your experience or your money skyrocketed. Have fun playing RUNESCAPE!

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